Title: River Irwell catchment management plan : water quality supplement
Author: National Rivers Authority North West Region
Document Type: Monograph
The introduction of the new water quality classification schemes: General Quality Assessment (GQA) and Water Quality Objectives (WQO's) meant that the issues identified within the original Irwell CMP required interpretation and translation according to the way in which they now fit into the new water quality classification schemes. This report outlines both the proposed WQOs and the current GQA on the Irwell. The European Community (EC) Directive requirements, as outlined within the original Consultation Report, remain as previously stated. The issues referred to within this report have been kept consistent with the Consultation Report so that reference can be made between the two documents, however, there are some additional issues arising from the application of the new water quality classification schemes. The following outlines the process used and the classifications determined, along with the issues and options for resolution of water quality problems, specifically related to the new classification schemes.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1993
Publication Place: Warrington
Subject Keywords: Rivers; Catchment Management Plans; Water quality; River Quality Objectives; Directives (European Union)
Geographic Keywords: EA North West; Irwell; Irwell catchment
Extent: 66
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:3412
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