Title: Guidelines on statutory returns : Freshwater Fish Directive
Author: National Rivers Authority Welsh Region
Document Type: Monograph
EC Directive 78/659/EEC of 18th July 1978 was set up to protect or improve the quality of freshwaters which are or would be capable of supporting fish life if pollution was reduced. It covers protection of waters for the support of the indigenous species (salmonid and
cyprinid), and those species which the "competent authority judge to be desirable for water management purposes. The Directive does not apply to waters in natural or artificial fish ponds used for intensive fish farming. The National Rivers Authority is the "competent authority" for the implementation of the Directive in England and Wales. The NRA reports results to DOE who reports the UK results to the EC.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1990
Publication Place: Cardiff
Subject Keywords: Fishery management; Freshwater fishes; Directives (European Union); Guidelines
Extent: 19
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:3472
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