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Title: Salmonid genetics in water : report of an Interim Review Meeting, St. Mellons, 17/4/91
Author: N. Milner
Document Type: Monograph
This report describes proceedings of a meeting held to review progress of NRA funded research into genetics of Welsh salmon and sea trout stocks. This work is being achieved by PhD studentships at Swansea University; but a number of other studies, completed or in progress, were also reported. The primary objective of the studies is to describe the nature of genetic variation In wild stocks. A number of secondary objectives, dependent on the outcome of the first, are also identified. The aim is to support genetic aspects of fisheries policy development and management in the NRA. Main points are discussed under the headings: spatial genetic variation, effects of stocking, genetic markers, seasonal run differences and methodology. More data are available for trout than for salmon. In both, evidence for between catchment differences is accumulating. Although some mtNDA data Indicate lack of variation, the reasons for this are being explored.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1991
Publication Place: Cardiff
Subject Keywords: FishesGeneticsWild animals
Geographic Keywords: Wales
Taxonomic Keywords: Salmo salarSalmo trutta
Extent: n.p. [22]
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