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Title: NRA Thames region : audit surveys 1991/92 : a report on the re-surveys of selected reaches of river following maintenance dredging
Author: A. M. Walker
Document Type: Monograph
Audit surveys in Thames Region are intended to assess: a) the habitats and features which are routinely safeguarded and those which are more vulnerable during maintenance dredging; b) the types of enhancement which are carried out and those which are not; c) any differences between the approach in different areas; d) the success or otherwise of the river corridor survey and working map approach and how well the maps are understood; e) any other problems which affect the retention and enhancement of wildlife during routine dredging operations. The audits are not intended to be a check only on the machine operators, inspectors, or other operational and engineering staff, but also on conservation personnel. In addition, they provide a means of evaluating the methods used to assess and explain conservation aims and integrate them as far as possible with the engineering requirements.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1992
Publication Place: Reading
Extent: 12; + appendices
Total file downloads: 195

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