Title: Study of the behaviour and impact of two sewage treatment works of the Thames catchment
Author: Stephane Godfdrin
Document Type: Monograph
The Ray river rises from a series of springs to the south west of Wroughton (SU 136 796) and flows in a northerly direction to join the River Thames near Cricklade (SU 123 939). The total distance is 21 km. The river has a mean gradient of 1 in 370 and the catchment area is approximately 85 km2. The river has no large tributaries but those which are significant include the Wroughton Ditch, Swinbourne, Whitehill stream, Lydiard brook, Hroad Burna and the Maydon Wick brook. The catchment area is dominated by the large conurbation of Swindon which is currently one of the fastest growing towns in Europe. Local authority structure plans predict a continued rapid rise of the population in the future years. The increased urbanisation within the catchment has caused large changes to the river, particularly with regard to the increase in the disposal of sewage effluent and drainage problems. The aim of this study, due to the short timescale, is not a detailed approach of the real impact of two sewage treatment works on rivers but rather a syntheses using available data concerning biochemical and biological aspects of the downstream water. This should enable both a mid-term vision of the consequence of discharges on the river and of the behaviour of the works as their are being reconstructed.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1990
Publication Place: Reading
Subject Keywords: Rivers; Water pollution; Sewage treatment; Pollution monitoring; Water quality
Geographic Keywords: England; Thames; Cherwell catchment
Extent: n.p. [62]
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:3524
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