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Title: Monitoring of rivers and effluents
Author: National Rivers Authority
Document Type: Monograph
This report provides evidence obtained from automatic monitoring systems to show that the data obtained from chemical spot samples is not representative of the total time period. This is mainly due to the timedependent variations in quality that occur throughout the day and with season of the year. However, it is recognised that it is not possible to establish automatic monitors everywhere, and that spot saiqpling must continue. In the current programme, spot samples are taken at regular intervals throughout the year. This report shows that this method does not achieve the objectives of the monitoring programme and suggests that more emphasis should be placed on sarrpling at times of low river flow, and at the times of day when the quality of rivers and effluent is least good. The use of special surveys to further our understanding of the complexities of quality processes is also recommended.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1991
Publication Place: Bristol
Subject Keywords: RiversMonitoringEffluentsMonitoring techniquesChemical monitoringMethodologyWater quality
Geographic Keywords: England
Extent: 6; + tables
Total file downloads: 285

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