Title: Area business plan 1995/96 : NRA Thames Region North East area
Author: National Rivers Authority Thames Region North East Area
Document Type: Monograph
The Purpose and aims of this report are: To propose a programme of capital works; to ensure that all projects are technically, environmentally and economically sound; to undertake effective management of individual projects and the full north East Area capital programme; to achieve the programme of works to required quality and safely specifications, budgets, and timescales; to monitor achievement of the planned programme of works and review the programme to allow rescheduling of work when appropriate; to communicate information on the capital programme and provide all functions with opportunities to nominate potential schemes.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1996
Publication Place: Hatfield
Subject Keywords: Management; Finance; Business plans; Regional planning
Geographic Keywords: Thames
Extent: 7; + appendices
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:3562
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