Title: 1994/95 corporate plan : submission by Thames region : our forward look for 1994/95 - 1995/96
Author: National Rivers Authority Thames Region
Document Type: Monograph
The first nine months of the year 1994/95 had seen several outstanding successes within the Thames Region, tempered by some shortfalls in progressing certain projects. In most cases delays arisen from circumstances beyond the NRA's control although, perhaps, initial over-optimism had contributed. It is particularly pleasing to note that our major successes have been spread across the range of functions: Completion of River Ver low flow alleviation scheme; Major contribution to the debate surrounding the TWUL proposed reservoir, the SWORP; Best overall water quality for many years; Excellent emergency response, especially to the increased frequency of flooding incidents experienced of late; A record run of Salmon in the Thames and construction of eight fish passes; Extension of the Thames Path; Receipt of two major awards for landscape work; Commencement of the rebuilding of Hambleden Lock. All this was achieved despite much managerial effort having to be given, initially, to restructuring of the Region and, latterly, to preparations for market testing. Preparing the IHWF and PES for market testing was especially onerous.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1994
Publication Place: Reading
Subject Keywords: Annual reports; Regional planning; Management
Geographic Keywords: Thames
Extent: 24
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:3568
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