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Title: NRA Thames Region annual review 1989/90
Author: National Rivers Authority Thames Region
Document Type: Monograph
This report describes the NRA Thames Region annual review of 1989/90. The 1989/90 year had been a momentous and exciting time for everyone involved in the formation of the Thames Region of the National Rivers Authority. In the period up to the 31st August, a great deal of time and a truly massive general effort was put into the negotiations which were necessary to finalise the split of staff and assets and to draw up the operating agreements between the NRA and the Utilities Company. These agreements will underpin many vital areas of operation for many years to come. Against this background of historic change we nevertheless managed to maintain our service to customers and our commitments to ongoing projects and operational activities. As well as these general developments, this year was also significant for the range of operational emergencies we had to face. The Summer of 1989 turned out to be long and hot and we were faced with some shortages of water and the possibility of drought.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1990
Publication Place: Reading
Subject Keywords: Regional planningAnnual reportsWater industry
Geographic Keywords: Thames
Extent: n.p. [37]
Total file downloads: 315

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