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Title: Thames 21 - a planning perspective and a sustainable strategy for the Thames Region : consultation draft
Author: National Rivers Authority Thames Region
Document Type: Monograph
This consultation document has two purposes. Firstly, it provides the organisations listed above with an easy to use summary of NRA policies. Secondly, it serves to open up a dialogue with a range of organisations responsible for strategic planning. The views of such organisations on land use and water-related issues may influence the measures that the NRA is taking to address its own planning and investment strategies, providing a fresh focus on them. The more detailed views of local authorities on specific catchments will also be invited by our Areas during the production of our Catchment Management Plans. The document describes the characteristics of the Thames Region in terms of its water environment, which is a major and vital resource. Key planning and development issues within the region are identified in terras of both current and future likely development pressures. The NRAs functional responsibilities in relation to these pressures are then outlined together with the main sustainability issues as they affect each county. Finally, the NRAs Proposals for the water environment are identified.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1994
Publication Place: Reading
Subject Keywords: PartnershipsRegional planningCatchment managementPolicies
Extent: 36
Total file downloads: 288

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