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Title: River Wissey hydrometric scheme drilling contract : factual report
Author: National Rivers Authority Anglian Region
Document Type: Monograph
The location of the contract works (see Figure A) was the catchment area of the River Wissey, a tributary of the Great Ouse, in south west Norfolk. This report details the site works supervised by Scott Wilson Kirkpatrick on behalf of the National Rivers Authority (NRA), Anglian Region.The works comprised the drilling of 18 No observation boreholes and installation of standpipes in each hole to enhance the groundwater resource monitoring network within the Chalk aquifer and overlying Drift. Sixteen of the boreholes were scheduled as "shallow", not exceeding 20m depth, completed either in the Drift or underlying Chalk aquifer. The two remaining "deep holes were scheduled to be 30m deep, ending in "Firm" chalk (defined as being unweathered, stable without the need for borehole casing, and producing good water flow). The drilling operations, which were undertaken by Soils Engineering, the NRA Term Drilling Contractor, began on 23 January 1995 and were completed on 6 March 1995.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1995
Publication Place: Peterborough
Subject Keywords: HydrometryRiversGroundwaterWater resourcesContracts
Geographic Keywords: WisseyNorfolkCam and Ely Ouse catchment
Extent: n.p. [102]
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