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Title: The River Colne Estuary subtidal biological survey 1992
Author: M.W. Johnson
Document Type: Monograph
This report details information gathered from a subtidal benthic survey of the River Colne estuary during October 1992. Although intertidal surveys have previously been carried within the estuary, this represents the first investigation of subtidal biological conditions within the estuary. The Colne estuary receives a variety of discharges, the most notable of which is Colchester stw effluent. Although a fully treated effluent, it can cause deoxygenation problems in the upper estuary. Other consented discharges include, Fingringhoe stw, Thames and Colne gravel washings, and Brightlingsea stw. No major fin fishery exists in the estuary. However there are extensive oyster lays located within the Pyefleet channel. The fishery is run by Colchester Oyster Fishery Ltd. The lower section of the estuary receives protection as a biological Site of Special Scientific Interest. This includes tidal creeks, saltings, intertidal mud, sand spits and stretches of open water. The Essex Wildlife Trust also manage reserves at Fingringhoe Wick, Rat Island and Colne Point.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1993
Publication Place: Peterborough
Subject Keywords: FisheriesBiological surveysBenthic environmentEstuariesEffluentsSite of Special Scientific Interest
Geographic Keywords: Colne Estuary (Essex)EssexColne catchment
Extent: 8; + figures and appendices
Total file downloads: 65

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