Title: An investigation into the flow interactions between the Spilsby Sandstone and the overlying aquifers of East Lincolnshire
Author: A.J. Mason
Document Type: Monograph
The Spilsby Sandstone outcrops along the western edge of the Lincolnshire Wolds from Grasby in the north to the town of Spilsby in the south. The sandstone dips eastwards beneath the Lincolnshire Chalk, although it is separated from it by the Tealby and Langtori Series. The Tealby and Langton Series comprises clay, ironstone, limestone and sandstone beds, which are generally continuous above the Spilsby Sandstone. The major geological feature is a buried chalk cliff extending from the region of Wei ton le Marsh in the south northwards throughout the area of study. The buried cliff comprises Boulder Clay and Sands and Gravels and forms an impeding boundary to groundwater movement from the Chalk outcrop in the west, to the confined Chalk to the east of the buried cliff. The project objective is to gain a further understanding of the flow mechanics between the Spilsby Sandstone and overlying aquifers, by developing a model to simulate groundwater heads and flows in a one-dimensional, multi-layered aquifer system.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1992
Publication Place: Peterborough
Subject Keywords: Aquifers; Flow rate; Groundwater; Models
Geographic Keywords: Lincolnshire
Extent: 44; + appendices, tables and figures
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:3605
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