Title: Report on the control of discharges of titanium dioxide waste to the Humber Estuary : main report
Author: National Rivers Authority Anglian Region
Document Type: Monograph
The Anglian Region of the National Rivers Authority (Anglian NRA) is responsible for implementing the EEC Titanium Dioxide Directives in so far as they apply to the discharge of effluents to the Humber estuary from the two titanium dioxide factories located there. Pollution reduction programmes set for these factories under the 1978 Directive have now been implemented. New pollution reduction programmes under the 1989 Directive have been set. A major water quality survey of the estuary was carried out by the Lincoln Division of Anglian Water (the predecessor of Anglian NRA) in 1984 as the first stage of the initial reduction programmes. A report on this survey was prepared and submitted to the European Commission by Her Majestys Government (HMG). The report described the survey and recommended that the outfalls from both factories be extended further into the Humber estuary so as to reduce their polluting impact This was done and the new outfalls started operating in Autumn 1988. Further major water quality survey work on the estuary has been carried out by the Anglian NRA during 1989. This survey work has determined the extent to which the polluting impact of the discharges has diminished by the first reduction programme and sets a baseline against which the improvement that will be achieved by the second reduction programme can be judged. This report describes the 1989 survey work. It shows that there has been a substantial reduction in impact since 1984 with the worst of the previously affected areas having largely recovered from pollution. It quantifies the size of the mixing zones around the new outfalls.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1989
Publication Place: Peterborough
Subject Keywords: Directives (European Union); Effluents; Estuaries; Pollution control; Water quality surveys
Geographic Keywords: Humber
Extent: 10; + figure
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:3615
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