Title: River Mole catchment management plan : consultation report : December 1995
Author: National Rivers Authority Thames Region
Document Type: Monograph
The quality of our water environment and the way in which it is managed matter to all of us. Our health depends on the availability and purity of water supplies and the way we dispose of waste water. Thames Region is heavily populated and sees the greatest use and reuse of water of any part o f the country. These pressures call for the strict control of water abstractions and effluent quality. Many householders and businesses rely on flood alleviation works and flood warning systems to reduce their risk of flooding. Visitors as well as local communities benefit from amenity, recreational and educational opportunities offered by the Regions rivers, canals and lakes. The water environment also supports a wide variety of habitats which are home to a range of plants and animals whose monitoring, conservation and enhancement are vital to sustaining the Regions stock of natural resources. This Consultation Report is the first step in a process called Catchment Management Planning initiated by the National Rivers Authority (NRA), which provides a focus for those concerned with the future well-being of the water environment within the River Mole catchment. The map on page 13 shows the geographic area of the catchment.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1995
Publication Place: Reading
Subject Keywords: Catchment Management Plans; Aquatic environment; Water resources; Wastewater
Geographic Keywords: Mole; Mole catchment
Extent: 95; + appendices
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:3645
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