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Title: River Cole fisheries survey 1992
Author: Simon Hughes
Document Type: Monograph
The source of the River Cole is situated at East Walcot, near Swindon (Wilts) at grid reference SU166851. The river flows in a northerly direction for 27 km before its confluence with the St Johns Lock cut, a distributary of the Thames at Lechlade. The average gradient is 1:844 (metre: metre) which is steeper than the River Thame (1:1540) but shallower than the Oxon Ray (1:580), River Windrush (1:441) and River Chum (1:344). The River Cole is an EC designated Coarse fishery (CEC, 1978) for 20.3 km of its length from Acorn Bridge (SU216876) to its confluence with the River Thames. As such, sites falling within this reach are expected to reach a target minimum biomass of 20 gm'2 set by NRA Thames Region. The catchment area is 140 km2, making it one of the smallest in the Thames West area. Apart from the uppermost reaches in the town of Swindon, much of this area is rural and land use is predominantly for agriculture, particularly improved or semi-improved pasture. The development of the few larger towns and villages (Swindon, Highworth, Coleshill) in the catchment has changed land use distribution in the catchment and increased the impact of urban development on the river system. A total of nine major tributaries join the River Cole, many of which receive discharges from sewage treatment works (STWs).
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1992
Publication Place: Reading
Subject Keywords: FisheriesSurveysRiversData
Geographic Keywords: Cole (West Midlands)
Extent: 33; + appendices
Total file downloads: 67

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