Title: Report on the national marine analytical quality control scheme 1992/93 (MPMMG 93/12) : presented to the October 1993 meeting of the Marine Pollution Monitoring Management Group
Author: M.A. Jessep
Author: A. Griffiths
Document Type: Monograph
A National Marine AQC scheme has been established by NCC, as required by MPMMG. It is designed to span as many of the NMP determinands as possible and, in fact, encompasses some 80% of the determinands listed in the NMP, the exceptions being some field determinands. For year 2 the scheme has been extended in line with proposed revisions to NMP. The scheme has 21 participating laboratories, comprising most of the bodies represented at MPMMG. Membership and funding have been secured to operate the scheme for a second year. A contractor to operate the scheme in year 1 was selected by open competitive tendering. The scheme has operated to schedule and to budget with quarterly distributions of test samples. A contract has been established for the second year of operation. Results of the distributions to date indicate that overall performance was good in relation to that achieved in similar exercises for inter-laboratory water analysis especially if the low concentrations of interest are considered. There was an overall similarity in performance between RPB, NRA and Government laboratories. The required standard of accuracy for nutrient determinations was met by a large proportion of
participants. However, improved accuracy appears to be required in many instances for trace metals in water and in some laboratories for organic determinands. Comparability for sediment and biota analysis was not adequate for metals or organic determinands. Overall indications are that both analytical method and quality systems are important in achieving
consistently good results. In fact, the laboratories with the highest level of participation and achievement of accuracy are those with formalised quality systems subject to scrutiny by external assessors.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1993
Publication Place: Peterborough
Subject Keywords: Marine ecology; Sampling; Data analysis; Data collection
Extent: 48; + appendices
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:3689
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