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Title: River Darent action plan
Author: National Rivers Authority Southern Region
Document Type: Monograph
It has long been recognised licensed abstraction of undergo water from the River Darent catchment results in unacceptably low flows in the river especially in times of drought when its lower reaches have dried up completely for long periods. By far the largest abstractor in the catchment is Thames Water Utilities Limited (TWUL), whose predecessor Thames Water Authority recognised the problem in the mid 1980s and voluntarily agreed to limit actual abstraction to 70 per cent of amounts allowed by licences at six key riverside boreholes. This has been maintained ever since, including during the recent drought period of 1989-92. Technical investigations in the Darent catchment have been conducted by the NRA since 1990. During October and November 1992 the NRA and TWUL formed a joint project team to decide how to return flow to the Darent while still safeguarding drinking water supplies to TWUL customers.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1995
Publication Place: Worthing
Subject Keywords: RiversAction plansCatchment managementFlow rateRiver levelWater abstractionWater industry
Geographic Keywords: DarentDarent catchment
Extent: 4
Total file downloads: 64

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