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Title: Gipping/Stour catchment management plan : consultation report summary
Author: National Rivers Authority Anglian Region
Document Type: Monograph
River catchments are subject to increasing use by a wide variety of activities, many of which interact giving rise to some conflicts. The many competing demands on water resources and the interests of users and beneficiaries must be balanced. Catchment management involves the NRA in working with many people and organisations and in using its authority to ensure rivers, lakes, coastal and underground waters are protected, and where possible improved, for the benefit of present and future users. The Gipping/Stour catchment includes the freshwater catchments of both rivers, the Orwell/Stour estuary complex, Walton Backwaters and the adjacent coastal zone. All tributaries of the Gipping and Stour are included as well as the small streams draining directly to the sea.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1993
Publication Place: Peterborough
Subject Keywords: Catchment Management PlansRiversWater resourcesConsultation
Geographic Keywords: Gipping (Suffolk)Stour (Suffolk)SuffolkEast Suffolk catchment
Extent: 40
Total file downloads: 302

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