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Title: River Darent catchment management plan : action plan
Author: National Rivers Authority Southern Region
Document Type: Monograph
The National Rivers Authority has identified the River Darent as the most pressing case of over abstraction in England and Wales, needing urgent action to restore the river to its former glory. The lower reaches have a history of drying at times of drought, largely as a result of groundwater abstractions for public water supply. Many of these predate the controlling legislation and operate under Licences of Right which were granted retrospectively and may authorise the abstraction of more water than the resource can provide at all times. Where it is necessary to amend such licences the holder is entitled to compensation. Catchment Management Plans relate firstly to the Authority's own operations, including that of a statutory regulator controlling the actions of others. However, the Plans also offer an opportunity for input from the public to the development of NRA policy, and for the Authority itself to draw attention to its aspirations for the improvement of the water environment. Catchment Planning Consultation Reports are produced as a vehicle for wide public consultation about catchment issues. This Final Report has been prepared in the light of comments received.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1995
Publication Place: Worthing
Subject Keywords: Catchment Management PlansRiversConsultationWater abstractionRiver levelNature conservation
Geographic Keywords: DarentDarent catchment
Extent: 24
Total file downloads: 322

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