Title: An investigation to determine if Deep Moor Landfill Site is causing an impact downstream in the Peagham Stream
Author: P. Rose
Document Type: Monograph
The Peagham Stream rises south of Deep Moor at the Thomedown plantation. The stream flows south then west for approximately 5 km before its confluence with the River Torridge at Town Mills. The Peagham Stream has a River Ecosystem Use Class target of 2. At present the river water is routinely chemically monitored at Town Mills. Previous to 1996 there were three other routine chemical sites, Deep Moor Stream East, Deep Moor Stream North and downstream at Leighty Water. The Deep Moor landfill site has had problems historically which resulted in poor water quality in the stream. Discharges of leachate into the stream due to lagoons overflowing or collapsing during wet weather resulted in a general decrease in aquatic diversity and increase in sewage fungus downstream of the tip over the years. During mid 1994 a new pre-treatment works and sewer line to Torrington Sewage Treatment Works were installed. It is hoped that the new scheme will reduce the likelihood of further inputs to the stream and result in a general increase in the water quality of Peagham Stream.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1996
Publication Place: Exeter
Subject Keywords: Streams; Water quality; Chemical monitoring; Rivers; River ecosystem classification; Effluents; Biodiversity; Sewage treatment
Geographic Keywords: Torridge; North Devon catchment; Devon
Extent: 19
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:3802
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