Title: River Darent : strategy for the enhancement of the River Darent, Kent
Author: National Rivers Authority Southern Region
Document Type: Monograph
While the waters of the Darent have reduced with every passing year, the flow of reports on the matter has in no way diminished. Residents in the valley, ably represented by the Darent River Preservation Society, have with some justification, however, sighed at the arrival of yet another group of consultants, setting about yet another report. The justification for this one is a major change of circumstances since Halcrow’s report of 1987, together with a real concern to produce at least some environmental improvements on the ground, starting in the winter of 1992, in tandem with the much slower process of actually improving flows in the Darent Valley. In 1992, National Rivers Authority (Southern Region) commissioned the landscape and ecological team at Mott MacDonald to liaise with residents and pressure groups in the valley, produce a broad corridor survey of the river from source to mouth and identify potential areas where landscape and habitat could be restored or enhanced. This report is parallel to detailed hydrological investigations also being prepared on the Darent by Groundwater Development Consultants of the Mott MacDonald Group.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1992
Publication Place: Worthing
Subject Keywords: Rivers; Flow rate; Environmental management; Groundwater; Water levels; Groundwater
Geographic Keywords: Darent; Darent catchment; Kent (county)
Extent: 164
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:3844
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