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Title: Suffolk estuarine strategies : Blyth estuary strategy : introduction to the strategy
Author: Environment Agency
Document Type: Monograph
Prompted by growing concern over several areas in Suffolk that are susceptible to flooding, the Environment Agency has commissioned the development of long-term strategies to manage the flood defences for three of the Suffolk Estuaries: the Blyth, the Alde/Ore and the Deben. This project is known as the "Suffolk Estuarine Strategies". Flood management strategies will be developed over the next 2 years on a river-by-river basis starting with the Blyth estuary. This Consultation document sets out the proposed approach to the strategy in the Blyth estuary. In the meantime, certain areas on the Blyth estuary have been identified which would benefit from prompt action through the development of flood defence improvement works. These areas encompass the Tinkers and Reydon Marshes and the length of river between Blyford Bridge and Blythburgh Bridge. A separate consultation document will be issued to address specific flood management proposals in these areas. The objectives of this consultation document are to: describe the flood defence issues in the Blyth estuary and set out the approach to the study; Seek the views of interested and affected parties on the study and on potential future flood management objectives for the estuary; Identify key concerns of individuals and organisations and seek environmental and technical data for the study area.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 2003
Publication Place: Peterborough
Subject Keywords: MarshesEstuariesRiversFlood Management StrategyFlood defence structuresConsultation
Geographic Keywords: Blyth (Suffolk)Suffolk
Extent: 12
Total file downloads: 67

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