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Title: Information sheet : industrial pollution
Author: National Rivers Authority Southern Region
Document Type: Monograph
Many industrial processes involve the use of water, a substantial proportion of which may be incorporated into the product. However there are processes which give rise to waste products, many of which are mixed with water. Additionally some industrial processes, more particularly power generation, involve the use of water for cooling and this may give rise to the need to dispose of large quantities of water at a higher temperature than that at which it was abstracted. This two page leaflet gives an over of industrial pollution, how it can be discharged into rivers and other sources of industrial pollution, such as spillages and contamination of surface water by substances such as oil.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Place: Worthing
Subject Keywords: Industrial pollutionEducational resourcesContaminationPollution controlWater pollution
Extent: 2
Total file downloads: 313

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