Title: River Darent low flow alleviation. Annex 1 : Darent catchment investigation
Author: National Rivers Authority Southern Region
Document Type: Monograph
The River Darent has been identified by the National Rivers Authority as one of 40 over abstracted catchments in England and Wales. The Darent catchment, located in north Kent, is regarded as being of particular importance, owing to the severity of river flow depletion. Groundwater Development Consultants was appointed by the National Rivers Authority Southern Region in February 1991 to undertake an investigation of the River Darent catchment. The main objective of the investigation is to identify the most appropriate measures from a large number of engineering options to alleviate low flow conditions in the river. This report describes an initial water infrastructure and water balance study to assess the feasibility of various potential engineering options to alleviate low flow conditions and a broad costing of options. A review of previous reports concerning the problem of low flows in the River Darent is also presented and an assessment made of available hydrogeological data. The integrated catchment model is discussed together with additional data requirements for modelling.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1994
Publication Place: Worthing
Subject Keywords: Water abstraction; Catchment Abstraction Management Strategies; Hydrometry; Water depletion; Flow rate; Modelling
Geographic Keywords: Darent; Darent catchment; Kent (county)
Extent: 148
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:3875
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