Title: Low flow estimation in artificially influenced catchments : interim report December 1992
Author: A. Bullock
Author: A. Gustard
Author: K. Irving
Author: A. Young
Author: B. Clausen
Author: A. Sekulin
Document Type: Monograph
This report is the second annual Interim Report of the three year NRA R and D contract
studying 'Low flow estimation in artificially influenced catchments'. This contract is aimed
at the development of MICRO LOW FLOWS software so that artificial influences can be
incorporated into design procedures.
MICRO LOW FLOWS for low flow estimation in natural catchments has been developed
since 1988 and the sequence of development and the status of software installation in England
and Wales are reviewed in Chapter 2. MICRO LOW FLOWS provides access to databases
of gauged flow statistics and spot current meterings (Chapter 3) from natural and artificially
influenced catchments to supplement the catchment characteristic based low flow estimation
procedure.As the basis for the estimation of low flows in artificially influenced catchments, MICRO
LOW FLOWS possesses the facility to bulk load archives of abstraction, discharges and
reservoir information (Chapter 4), with associated editing facilities.
Whilst MICRO LOW FLOWS is the vehicle for estimating artificially influenced low flows,
there has been a need to develop design procedures and methods of incorporating artificial
data. Chapter 5 describes procedures developed for evaluating the impact of groundwater
abstractions upon low flows, expressed in terms of a Stream Depletion Factor, which
distributes the abstracted volume as a monthly reduction in streamflow. Surface water
abstractions, and adjusted groundwater abstractions upstream of an ungauged site can be
combined to construct a monthly artificial influence profile (Chapter 6). Natural monthly low
flow statistics are estimated at ungauged sites(Chapter 7),and these are combined (Chapter 8)
with the monthly artificial influence profiles to estimate artificially influenced low flow
statistics at ungauged sites.
In addition to the presentation of estimated low flow statistics at a single ungauged site,
MICRO LOW FLOWS has been developed to construct residual flow diagrams for the more
complex display of artificially influenced low flows (Chapter 9).
This project is due for completion in December 1993, and Chapter 10 contains forecast
activities during 1993, and Chapter 11 presents long-term research activities which will not
be achieved during this contract.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1992
Publication Place: Bristol
Subject Keywords: Flow rate; Hydrometry; Water abstraction; Groundwater monitoring; Forecasting; Discharge (hydrology)
Extent: 31; + appendices
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:3912
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