Title: Eden and Solway Coast catchment management plan : consultation report : October 1995
Author: National Rivers Authority North West Region
Document Type: Monograph
This document gives a brief analysis of the uses and activities on the Eden and Solway coast catchment which have an impact on the water environment. Objectives are then required to protect/improve the water environment, and the current situation on the catchment is tested against the objectives. This analysis identifies areas where objectives are not being met and these are highlighted as "issues" in the plan. Where possible, options for the resolution of issues are put forward and discussed. The NRA recognises that many of the options for action will involve organisations and individuals other than the NRA and their views will be crucial in the preparation of the action plan. The management plan is intended to look approximately 5 years ahead, but the NRA also wishes to embrace the longer term aspirations of the community. For this reason a "vision" statement is proposed which is intended to express realistic aims for the catchment in the longer term. Updates to consultation reports will normally be undertaken every 5 years.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1995
Publication Place: Carlisle
Subject Keywords: Hydrogeology; Rivers; Catchment Management Plans; Catchment management; Water quality; Consultation; Nature conservation; Waste disposal; Agriculture; Environmental management; River fisheries
Geographic Keywords: Eden (river, Cumbria); Cumbria; Eden and Esk catchment
Extent: 102
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:394
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