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Title: Sustaining our resources : Southern Region water resources development strategy
Author: National Rivers Authority Southern Region
Document Type: Monograph
This draft document shows that NRA Southern Region can remain self sufficient in water resources for at least the next twenty years, and accommodate planned growth without recourse to long distance transfers from the north and west of the country. This is possible provided that a programme of water conservation, including demand management, forms the first stage in a resource development strategy. That would involve greater use of bulk supplies between Companies, installation of domestic meters, increased leak reduction activity by Companies and public education in the wise use of water. These measures would need to be followed by the construction of some new water resource schemes which are identified in this document. The NRA views conservation and demand management measures as an essential means of reducing the environmental impact of current and future demand for water. Development of local regional sources in preference to long distance transfers is favoured on grounds of cost, energy consumption and environmental impact. These and other key issues put forward now for consultation with a view to publishing the final strategy document early in 1993.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1992
Publication Place: Worthing
Subject Keywords: Water resourcesWater availabilityWater conservationStrategiesEnvironmental planningWater management
Geographic Keywords: England
Extent: 26
Total file downloads: 296

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