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Title: Demand for irrigation water (413/1/A) : progress report for the period August 1992 to January 1993
Author: National Rivers Authority
Document Type: Monograph
This is a progress report, containing an update on the technical progress of the project. Progress on seven of the project's nine specific objectives are reported on. The first objective is to review and quantify past trends in irrigation, licensed and actual, in each of the ten regions of the Authority. The second is to identify relevant sources of information and any inadequacy in the collection of data on irrigation and recommend improvements. The third is to review previous irrigation forecasts made by the National Rivers Authority, the fourth objective is to quantify the potential theoretical needs for irrigation in each Region. Objectives five and six relate to examining the economic agricultural situation and examine how market forces influence individual farmers. Finally, an update on objective nine is given, which is to advise on NRA's options for response to likely future irrigation demands. Interim results, a work programme and details on the budget are also provided.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1993
Publication Place: Bristol
Subject Keywords: IrrigationIrrigation systemsAgricultural hydraulicsWater supplyWater managementForecasting
Geographic Keywords: EnglandWales
Extent: 6
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