Title: Status of rare fish : literature review (draft document)
Author: I.J. Winfield
Document Type: Monograph
The aim of this report is to review the extent of existing knowledge of whitefish ecology and
genetic variability and of techniques for their artificial breeding and rearing. In
addition, the Terms of Reference of the project also require that the review should
also identify other species which may be endangered in Britain and could be the
subject of future research.
With respect to the latter objective, considerations of fish conservation are a relatively
recent development and for a number of reasons lag behind most other areas of
animal conservation. This is particularly true of the UK, with the
result that the literature on rare British freshwater fishes per se is very restricted and
is largely the product of the efforts of just one researcher, Peter Maitland. Thus,
reviewing this field is relatively straightforward, with the major difficulty being the
production of an objective rare species list for the present day.
In contrast, the whitefish literature now amounts to at least
hundreds and probably thousands of articles. However, the vast majority of these
publications originate from continental Europe and North America, usually with
fishery themes, and so their conclusions are not all directly applicable or relevant to
the present review.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1991
Publication Place: Bristol
Subject Keywords: Literature study; Nature conservation; Endangered species; Freshwater fishes; FBA; Libraries
Geographic Keywords: United Kingdom
Extent: 70
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:4036
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