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Title: Proposals for statutory water quality objectives : report of the National Rivers Authority
Author: National Rivers Authority
Document Type: Monograph
The Secretaries of State have agreed with the NRA, as a first step, that the NRA should consult on options for the nature and introduction of a new system for assessing water quality. Proposals will then be put to the Secretaries of State, together with the responses to their consultation process. This paper sets out NRA's proposals. The new statutory system will provide a firmer framework for deciding the policy that governs the determination of consents for discharges into each stretch of controlled waters and the means by which pollution from diffuse sources can be dealt with. It will extend the system to coastal waters, lakes and groundwaters. It will provide a basis for requiring a steady improvement in quality in those waters that are polluted. The objectives will be introduced by statute and will provide certain, clear and fixed targets for regulators and dischargers alike. In short, the new scheme provides a key mechanism for maintaining existing good quality water and for improving it where this is needed.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1991
Publication Place: Bristol
Subject Keywords: Water qualityEnvironmental legislationDirectives (European Union)Water pollution
Geographic Keywords: EnglandWales
Extent: 99
Total file downloads: 315

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