Title: River Nar eutrophication studies : diatoms : draft report
Author: E.J. Cox
Author: G. Reid
Document Type: Monograph
The contract was undertaken in response to an invitation to tender from the
NRA, the objective of which was to collect samplps of epilithic diatoms
from sites identified by the NRA, to determine the degree of eutrophication
or pollution at those sites using a range of methods, and to make
recommendations for future monitoring. Although almost all the monitoring systems classified the sites as
moderately to strongly eutrophic, the assessments of pollution varied
considerably. Between site resolution differed markedly according to the
system employed, and even with interpretation of the particular system.
Evaluation of sites also differed if the ecological tolerance assigned to a
particular species varied with author.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1994
Publication Place: London
Subject Keywords: Rivers; Eutrophication; Diatoms; Pollution; Monitoring
Geographic Keywords: Nar; Norfolk; North West Norfolk catchment
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:4101
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