Title: Time of travel on the River Lee under high and medium flow : appendix b : time of travel on the small River Lee
Author: M.A. Wheeler
Document Type: Monograph
Annotation: EA additional title info: time travel study on the river lee under high an medium flow appendix b: time of travel on the small river lee
This document presents data on two studies carried out on the Small River Lee. The first took place on 3 March 1994, two additions of tracer dye were made to the river, the resulting tracer clouds were monitored as they passed through the downstream detection sites. The information gathered during the study is detailed in table B One and Figures B One and B Two. The second study took place on 25 July 1994, with the same amount of tracer dye being added at the same sites. The information gathered is detailed in table B Two and Figures B Three and B Four. Due to the extremely low flow in the reach betwee Mollison Avenue and Keider Weir the river appeared to be functioning more like a lake than a river. Because of the excessive travel time in the above reach operations constraints prevented the full tracer curve being recorded.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1994
Publication Place: Reading
Subject Keywords: Rivers; Flow rate; Velocity; Data
Geographic Keywords: Lee (Hertford); Upper Lee catchment
Extent: 7
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:4119
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