Title: Calder catchment flood management plan : consultation summary document, April 2007
Author: Environment Agency
Document Type: Monograph
Catchment Flood Management Plans (CFMPs) are a key planning tool that are being used to encourage organisations to work together to reduce flood risk. These plans take a strategic and active approach to flooding. It is about deciding what action to take and where by assessing flood risks and by predicting how these risks will develop over the next 50 to 100 years. CFMPs will help us to plan for the likely impacts of climate change and further development in a river catchment. CFMPs offer a new way of thinking about flooding and flood risk, encouraging people and organisations to work together to manage the catchment more effectively. The Calder CFMP will identify the significant factors that influence flood risk and investigate how they may change with time. The final plan will outline flood risk management policies that provide a balance between cost effectiveness, social needs, demands upon land for urban development and the environment. It is essential that all key organisations and decision-makers in the Calder catchment work together to plan and take joint action to reduce any unacceptable flood risk and at the same time, create opportunities to improve the environment, where possible. The River Calder rises on the Pennine Moors west of Todmorden. It is predominantly an urban river, flowing through the towns of Halifax, Brighouse, Huddersfield, Dewsbury and Wakefield before it joins the Aire at Castleford. The Calder is the largest tributary of the River Aire, which is covered by a separate CFMP. Further afield the waters of the Calder end up in the Humber Estuary, an internationally important wildlife site.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 2007
Publication Place: Leeds
Subject Keywords: Catchment Flood Management Plans; Environmental management; Flood control; Rivers; Flood management policies
Geographic Keywords: Calder (Yorkshire); Aire and Calder catchment; West Yorkshire; Colne (West Yorkshire)
Extent: 23
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:413
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