Title: Lodes - Granta groundwater development scheme river regulation trials - River Bourn. Final report
Author: National Rivers Authority Anglian Region
Document Type: Monograph
Groundwater abstraction from the Upper Granta catchment in Cambridgeshire and Essex has caused a reduction in the amount of baseflow within the river system. River support is necessary to maintain summer flows in the River Granta and this is to be achieved by pumping groundwater from a Chalk borehole near Ashdon to the river. The water is to be added to the river about 200 m above the gauging station at Linton. The 132 m deep Chalk borehole, is located near Ricketts Farm at Ashdon. It is close to a tributary of the River Bourn which, with the River Bourn itself, might be used as a conduit for some river support water. Field trials were therefore conducted on the River Bourn and tributary between the borehole and Bartlow to determine the extent of any streambed infiltration. Streambed infiltration along the River Granta between the Linton gauging station and Bartlow had been assessed previously. Extension of the trials down to the gauging station was not therefore required. The field trials were carried out at a time of very low groundwater levels from late September to early October 1990. This report summarises the findings.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1991
Publication Place: Peterborough
Subject Keywords: Groundwater; Rivers; Flow rate; Field experimentation; Weirs; Water abstraction
Geographic Keywords: Cam and Ely Ouse catchment; Granta; Cambridgeshire; Essex
Extent: 10; + appendices
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:4140
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