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Title: TBME as a groundwater contaminant : nature, behaviour and recommendations for monitoring
Author: G. Hyett
Document Type: Monograph
Annotation: EA additional title info: tbme as a groundwater contaminant
The project was conceived following the contamination of two major Public Water Supply boreholes in Central Area of Anglian Region. It was apparent that little was known of the fate and behaviour of the compound, and few analytical facilities were available. The two incidents yielded some useful data, eg that TBME can be tasted at very low levels. Analytical facilities have since improved with the increasing occurrence of TBME in the UK. Some evidence pointed to a high solubility of TBME, and a possible co solubility effect with other fuel components, leading to increased solubility and rates of migration for other fuel components. A project was considered necessary to establish clearly how best to deal with future fuel spillage incidents where TBME was present.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1994
Publication Place: Peterborough
Subject Keywords: ContaminationGroundwater pollutionOrganic compoundsMethodology
Geographic Keywords: EA Anglian
Extent: 64
Total file downloads: 299

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