Title: A study of benthic macroinvertebrate communities of fifteen Norfolk Broads during summer 1990
Author: P. Kerrison
Author: G. Phillips
Document Type: Monograph
Broadland in eastern England features fifty shallow, freshwater
and brackish lakes and five lowland river systems. The
Broads, which occupy basins created between the ninth and
fourteenth centuries by local inhabitants who dug peat for fuel,
were once low in plant nutrients which helped limit the growth of
algae in the water. During the last fifty years, the Broads have
received nitrogen and phosphorus compounds from fertilised land
and sewage effluent and, as a result, several have undergone
ecological changes. These changes are the symptoms of
accelerating eutrophication.
The National Rivers Authority is presently researching problems
associated with the eutrophication of the Norfolk Broads. The
study has concentrated on relationships between nutrient supply
and plankton community dynamics, and has included little work on
the macroinvertebrate communities.
The present study provides information on the distribution of
benthic macroinvertebrates within fifteen broads and discusses
factors controlling the distribution. A mechanism is presented,
based on multivariate statistics, for assessing factors affecting
communities within individual broads.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1991
Publication Place: Peterborough
Subject Keywords: Trophic levels; Biological surveys; Pollutant load; Effluents; Macroinvertebrates
Geographic Keywords: Broadland; Broadland Rivers catchment; The Broads
Extent: 30; + appendices
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:4238
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