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Title: Audit of priority species of rivers and wetlands : water vole Arvicola terrestris in South Hampshire
Author: Environment Agency Hampshire Area
Document Type: Monograph
The following report has been commissioned by the Environment Agency (Southern Region). It has been prepared on behalf of the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust and is one of seven audits covering species of rivers and wetlands that are considered to be a priority for conservation action by the Environment Agency and its partners. The species covered by the audits are: Wetland and river molluscs (Anisus vorticuhis, Pisidium tenuilineatum, Pseitdanodonata complanata, Segmentina nitida, Vertigo moulinisiana); Freshwater Crayfish; Southern Damselfly; Marsh Fritillary; Black Bog Ant; Birds of Rivers and Reedbeds (Bittern, Kingfisher)and Water Vole. The Water Vole, Arvicola terrestris (Linnaeus 1758), is a Murid Rodent of the subfamily Arvicolinae, along with all other voles, lemmings and Muskrats. The genus Arvicola contains two species (Wilson and Reeder 1993), both of which are European in distribution; A. terrestris, known internationally as the Northern Water Vole (2n chromosome no. =36) and A. sapidus, the Southern Water Vole (2n chromosome no.=40). Arvicola terrestris has a number of local common names. In Britain it is generally referred to as just the 'Water Vole' due to the absence of A. sapidus, but it is also frequently called the Water Rat and occasionally known as the Earth Hound, Water Dog or Water Mole.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 1998
Publication Place: Winchester
Subject Keywords: MammalsRiversWetlandsWildlife managementPopulation surveyNature conservationHabitatsPopulation decrease
Geographic Keywords: Hampshire
Extent: 24
Total file downloads: 84

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