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Title: Bideford tidal defences : works to Bideford Quay
Author: Environment Agency
Document Type: Monograph
This Environment Agency booklet aims to describe Bideford Tidal Defences. Bideford has been subjected to tidal flooding at regular intervals for many years. In recent years the most severe event occurred on 23 November 1984 when a combination of a high spring tide, a strong southerly wind and flood flow in the river Torridge caused flooding on both sides of the river. On the west bank 63 commercial properties were flooded in the area of The Quay, King Street, Cooper Street, Queen Street, Bridgeland Street, Rope Walk and Pill Road together with four residential properties on The Strand. Flooding of The Quay takes place, on average, 2 or 3 times a year generally without affecting property. The highest tide levels experienced to date have a relatively short return period of between five and ten years and the area of flooding has been restricted as the ground rises within a short distance of the river. If, however, the tide level exceeds 5.8 mAOD the area of flooding and the number of properties affected would increase dramatically. Tides above this level will overtop the higher ground towards Victoria Park and cause flooding to the low lying area to the west.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: [after 1996]
Publication Place: Exeter
Subject Keywords: EstuariesRiversFlood controlDisaster preparednessFlood defence structures
Geographic Keywords: BidefordTorridge
Extent: n.p. [6]
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