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Title: Further surveys to elucidate the distribution of the fine-lined pea mussel Pisidium tenuilineatum Stelfox, 1918
Author: I. Killeen
Author: M.J. Willing
Document Type: Monograph
The fine-lined pea mussel, Pisidium tenuilineatum is believed to be one of Britain's rarest freshwater molluscs. It is classified in the British Red Data Book as Category RDB3 Rare, and is included on the Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) 'short-list' of Priority species. The species is confined mainly to central southern England and sites along the Welsh borders, with the River Wharfe, Yorkshire representing a considerable outpost. There is some evidence of decline during this century, with no live post-1965 records from canal sites in the Midlands, including the type locality on the Grand Union Canal at Marsworth, Buckinghamshire. Pisidium tenulineatum is regarded as a calciphile species, sensitive to water pollution. As lead partner for freshwater molluscs on the UK BAP, the Environment Agency has initiated work to address the aims of the individual species' action plans. Further information is required to obtain a better understanding of the status and distribution of Pisidium tenuilineatum in England and Wales as a precursor to providing management guidance for protecting the species. This project has been funded jointly by the Environment Agency and English Nature. It was a component of the Agency’s UK Biodiversity Plans umbrella project. The overall objective was to increase our knowledge of P. tenuilineatum in Britain so that the Environment Agency can ensure that sites where it is found are protected, and to enable them to begin to determine its ecological requirements in order to provide appropriate protection.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 2004
Publication Place: Bristol
Subject Keywords: Biodiversity action planProtected speciesPopulation distributionFreshwater molluscsSurveysGuidelinesWater qualityEnvironmental factorsLaboratory techniquesSpecies distribution
Geographic Keywords: United Kingdom
Taxonomic Keywords: Pisidium tenuilineatumMollusca
Extent: 105; + appendices
Total file downloads: 83

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