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Title: Sea Trout Investigations Phase 1 Final Report
Author: D.J. Solomon
Document Type: Monograph
The R+D note reports on phase 1 of an investigation to review and evaluate current knowledge, research and stock assessment capability in relation to sea trout, and to design a cost effective programme of investigations which will enable the NRA to manage stocks as a sustainable resource. It collates and analyses all available data on sea trout stocks in England and Wales, including smolt age structures, adult age structures, growth rates, marine survival rates, marine migrations, and other biological characteristics on a river by river basis. Possible explanations for good and bad years for sea trout, and for some rivers containing few or no sea trout are discussed. Fisheries for sea trout are described under the headings of rod catches, licensed nets (coastal and estuary), and illegal and inadvertent capture. Recent 5-year average catches are given for each river and net fishery, and regulatory measures are described and analysed. The evidence for genetic or environmental determination of a migratory or non-migratory habit is reviewed, and the evidence for and significance of genetically distinct stocks critically assessed. Past and present programmes of research and stock monitoring throughout the British Isles are reviewed, and the actual and potential management outputs from such investigations are discussed. Methods of investigation are described and evaluated, including catch sampling, scale reading, juvenile surveys, trapping of downstream and upstream migrants, marking and tagging, fish counters and biological sampling.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1994
Publication Place: Bristol
Subject Keywords: TroutPopulation structureFisheriesFishery managementStocking densityMigrationGeneticsScalesTelemetryFishing nets
Geographic Keywords: EnglandWales
Taxonomic Keywords: Salmo truttaSalmonidae
Extent: 104; +2 appendices
Total file downloads: 286

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