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Title: The Impact Of Discarded Fishing Line And Tackle On Mute Swans - Phase 1
Author: Chris Perrins
Author: Peter Martin
Author: Environment Agency
Document Type: Monograph
Annotation: Environment Agency Project ID:EAPRJOUT_480, Representation ID: 155, Object ID: 1819
This report presents findings from a preliminary scoping study to establish the extent of the problem of tackle related injuries to mute swans. Data from a number of swan rescue groups collected in I996 were used for analysis. Other sources of information have been used to determine changes in the mute swan population and the incidence of lead poisoning. There,are significant uncertamties and assumptions in interpreting the available data. Nevertheless, some broad conclusions can be made: - the mute swan population nationally has increased significantly since 1978; - the restriction on lead fishing weights imposed through byelaws in 1987 has significantly reduced the frequency of lead poisoning in mute swans nationally. However, there are still some local incidences of lead poisoning which are being investigated further; - data on swan rescues have been very difficult to analyse in a consistent fashion because individual swan rescue groups recorded incidents in different ways; - tackle-related injuries are the biggest single cause of swan rescues; - the biggest proportion of angling-related rescues occur between July and September; coincident with both the school holidays and a surge in swan numbers due to the appearance of young inexperienced cygnets; - the survival rate of rescued swans is very high, underlining the effectiveness of swan rescue groups; - nationally it is estimated that there are at least 2000 tackle-related swan rescues per year. The estimated cost to the voluntary swan rescue groups, excluding: labour is £134k; 4 As a result of this project, a standard recording form has been developed for more consistent recording of swan rescues. In addition, a computerised database of swan rescue incidents has now been established.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Subject Keywords: RiversLakesAquatic animalsAngling
Taxonomic Keywords: Cygnus olor
Extent: 22
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