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Title: Determining The Freshwater Flow Needs Of Estuaries
Author: Bartlett JM
Author: Environment Agency
Document Type: Monograph
Annotation: Environment Agency Project ID:EAPRJOUT_527, Representation ID: 186, Object ID: 1865
The overall aim of this study is to establish best practice, shortcomings and future research needs in determining freshwater flow needs of estuaries. In particular, the study examines the use of computational, including statistical, modelling. The study has reviewed: - existing relevant R&D; - estuarine processes and uses; and - the present and possible future use of computational modelling techniques for estuarine analysis, especially in determining the minimum flow needs of estuaries. It gives guidance on: - a methodology for the determination of minimum flow needs; - the general and data collection requirements of various types of models and - carrying out a preliminary assessment before starting a major study. The outputs from the study are: - This R&D Technical Report (W113) that identifies shortcomings, best practice, implementation benefits and future R&D of freshwater flow needs to estuaries; and - A quality control manual (R&D Technical Report W168) to be used when undertaking a computational model study.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Subject Keywords: RiversEstuariesStreamsModellingBrackishwater environment
Extent: 194
Total file downloads: 57

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