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Title: The Evaluation of FDMM
Author: Environment Agency
Document Type: Monograph
Annotation: Environment Agency Project ID:EAPRJOUT_518, Representation ID: 179, Object ID: 1857
This study uses the output from R&D Project 317, Guidelines for the Justification of river Maintenance (R&D Note 511) to evaluate the rural benefit assessment routines within the Flood Defence Management Manual (FDIMM). Recommendations are made on ways in which FDMM might be modified and how it might be applied to complex catchments. Suggestions for modifications include: - modifications to FDMM to address site specific circumstances and pecuharities such as highland carriers, lDB/lDD watercourses and derivation of benefit areas; - guidance in the use of FDMM and in particular in the use of adjustment factors such as the areal drainage factor; - provision of information. and clarification regarding assumptions and use of default values such as the drainage adjustment factors; - guidance in the use of the:Guidelines and ways in which they may be used to support the agricultural component of FDMM; and, - modifications to the presentation of FDMM and the Guidelines and correction of errors.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Subject Keywords: RiversFlood controlDrainageBrackishwater environmentFreshwater ecology
Extent: 350
Total file downloads: 303

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