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Title: Proposed Environmental Quality Standards for Bromine in Fresh and Marine Waters
Author: S. Lewis
Author: N. Mole
Author: R. Mascarenha
Author: H. James
Author: Bristol Environment Agency
Document Type: Monograph
Annotation: Environment Agency Project ID:EAPRJOUT_727, Representation ID: 246, Object ID: 2055
This report proposes environmental quality standards (EQSs) for bromine to protect freshwater and marine life. The data available on the toxicity of bromine to freshwater and marine aquatic life are reviewed in detail in Appendices A and B respectively. Mammalian toxicity is reviewed in Appendix C. For freshwaters, a tentative EQS of 5 ~kg l-1 TRO (as measured by the DPD or equivalent method) expressed as a maximum allowable concentration (MAC) is proposed. In addition, a tentative EQS of 2 ~kg l-1 TRO (as measured by the DPD or equivalent method) to be expressed as an annual average is proposed. For marine waters, a tentative EQS of 10 ~kg l-1 TRO (as measured by the DPD or equivalent method) expressed as a maximum allowable concentration (MAC) is proposed. The EQSs will principally be of use to control discharges of cooling water effluents where bromine is used as a biocide and complements the R&D Note proposing EQSs for chlorine.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Subject Keywords: Aquatic environmentSurface waterCoastal watersEnvironmental qualityEnvironmental standardsBromineCoolingMarine environmentFreshwater ecology
Extent: 73
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