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Title: The Natural (Baseline) Quality Of Groundwaters In England And Wales - The Chalk Of Lincolnshire;
Author: L J Brewerton
Author: Environment Agency
Author: British Geological Survey
Document Type: Monograph
Annotation: Environment Agency Project ID:EAPRJOUT_771, Representation ID: 252, Object ID: 2096
This document forms one of the regional studies being carried out on representative aquifers or parts of aquifers in England and Wales to provide an improved understanding of the natural baseline quality of groundwaters. It serves as a reference document against which current water quality and future trends (improvements and deteriorations) may be assessed. Section I provides a brief summary .of the water quality situation and in section II, further information is given concerning the controls on water quality necessary for an informed interpretation of the hydrogeochemical data. The Chalk of Lincolnshire is one of the major aquifer units of the UK. Rates of abstraction of groundwater are high in the region and there is little scope for increased licensing. Most abstraction is from the confined aquifer although the unconfmed aquifer also. provides some groundwater for private supplies. The unconfined aquifer has suffered from diffuse pollution, principally by nitrate, resulting from arable agriculture over the last few decades. At many outcrop locations, groundwaters exceed acceptable limits for nitrate. Down the groundwater flow gradient, notable changes in water chemistry occur, influenced particularly by a redox boundary which coincides approximately with the position of the buried Anglian cliff line, above which occurs a thick sequence of poorly permeable Drift deposits. Downgradient of the redox boundary, nitrate concentrations are low and groundwater is generally of potable quality. Coastal sections are subject to varying degrees of saline intrusion related to recharge and abstraction regimes.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Subject Keywords: GroundwaterChalk streamsWater qualityHydrologyNitrates
Geographic Keywords: Lincolnshire
Extent: 46
Total file downloads: 308

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