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Title: Economic Evaluation of Inland Fisheries Module B: Indirect Economic Values Associated with Fisheries
Author: J Spurgeon
Author: G Colarullo
Author: A F Radford
Author: D Tingley
Author: Environment Agency
Document Type: Monograph
Annotation: Environment Agency Project ID:EAPRJOUT_1210, Representation ID: 385, Object ID: 2427
Module B was split into two distinct phases and comprised an assessment of anglers’ expenditure and consumers’ surplus (the additional value gained over and above the amount they pay for); the general public’s “non-use values” for fish populations. The latter includes values held relating to possible future use (option value), value relating simply to knowing that they exist (existence value) and value relating to knowing that fish exist for the benefit of future generations (bequest value). In addition, the social benefits of angling and the importance of angling in local economies were also briefly considered. Phase 1 involved carrying out three small-scale contingent valuation surveys focussing on the value of three different UK fisheries. The studies were carried out between October 1998 and January 1999. As well as providing results from relatively small survey activity in three areas, it gave an opportunity to develop and test the most appropriate methodologies to be used in the Phase 2 national surveys carried out in 1999/2000. Phase 2 involved 2 national surveys: 1. a national angler survey which concluded - The average annual expenditure for game anglers is £682 and the median is £276. Likewise, given that there are approximately 0.8 million game anglers (NRA, 1994), total expenditure relating to game angling in England and Wales may be in the order of £545 million. The average expenditure per trip for game anglers is £27 and the median is again £10. It must be recognised that the accuracy of this value is uncertain, mainly due to possible strategic behaviour by the anglers answering the questionnaires. 2. a general public survey which concluded - The survey revealed that individuals are willing to pay small amounts (average £3.73/house/year) to maintain or improve the size and number of fish in their nearest waterbody. When multiplied up and aggregated for the population local to a waterbody, these values may be considerable. It is interesting to note that 85% of respondents lived within 20 miles of the water body they selected as the nearest waterbody that they knew well. It is also worth noting that 52% of respondents claim to at least sometimes observe the fish in their nearest waterbody.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Subject Keywords: Surface waterRiversLakesCanalsInland fisheriesEconomic analysisCoarse fishesSalmon fisheries
Extent: 174
Total file downloads: 331

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