Title: Economic evaluation of inland fisheries: Welfare benefits of inland fisheries in England and Wales.
Author: K. S. Lawrence
Author: Environment Agency
Author: J. Spurgeon
Document Type: Monograph
Annotation: Environment Agency Project ID:EAPRJOUT_1207, Representation ID: 382, Object ID: 2424
The report reaches the following conclusions: - The mean WTP was £15.80 per household per year, which aggregates to a total WTP of around £350 million per year. - It was difficult to separating out WTP for salmon abundance from WTP for other aspects of river quality. The overall national WTP value may thus be an overestimate though steps were taken to minimise the problem. - Values calculated for individual rivers are useful as indicative values, but need to be used with some caution. - The psychological and social benefits of angling need to be further explored, perhaps through case studies, as they are potentially important yet poorly understood. - Further work could be conducted on angling consumer surplus values, either employing travel cost data from the angler survey undertaken here, or through a new survey (perhaps in conjunction with assessment of psychological and social benefits). - The distance decay effect is of key importance when aggregating values to find an aggregated value for the population. This study has added significant new findings to the literature on this subject, but further investigation would be beneficial.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Subject Keywords: Salmon; Rivers; Surface water; Inland fisheries; Economic analysis; Lakes
Geographic Keywords: England; Wales
Extent: 160
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:4623
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