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Title: Distribution and habitat occurrence of water shrews in Great Britain
Author: Environment Agency
Document Type: Monograph
Annotation: Environment Agency Project ID:EAPRJOUT_1192, Representation ID: 373, Object ID: 2412
Of all riparian mammals in Britain, least is known about the Eurasian water shrew (Neomys fodiens). Its small size, elusive nature and sporadic occurrence have resulted in it being relatively overlooked compared to the larger riparian species - the water vole, otter and mink. This first national survey of water shrew distribution highlights the value of using volunteers for a large-scale survey. A large quantity of baseline information has been collected, against which the results of future studies can be compared. The widespread distribution of the species is encouraging. However, until the population size of water shrews in Britain can be determined it is not possible to fully assess their conservation needs. For now, it is recommended that riparian habitats be managed sensitively to maintain existing water shrew populations and encourage the establishment of new populations. Particular attention should be given to encouraging the growth of bankside herb cover, ensuring that both shrub and tree cover are not dense and maintaining low BOD and nitrate levels in water. The Mammal Society recognises the importance of building on the work presented in this report and plans to continue monitoring water shrews as part of a nationwide Small Mammal Monitoring Scheme to be implemented in the near future.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Subject Keywords: Aquatic animalsBiological surveysHabitatsGeographical distributionMonitoringFreshwater ecology
Taxonomic Keywords: Neomys fodiens
Extent: 64
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