Title: Health status of otters in southern and south west England 1996-2003
Author: V.R. Simpson
Author: Environment Agency
Document Type: Monograph
Annotation: Environment Agency Project ID:EAPRJOUT_1193, Representation ID: 374, Object ID: 2413
This study is a continuation of one started by the author in 1988 to investigate the health of the otter population in south west England and, in particular, to determine whether otters were being adversely affected by environmental pollutants. The study provides evidence that organochlorine pesticides that were banned decades ago are still present in the aquatic ecosystems of southern and south west England and are associated with physiological and developmental defects. However, their impact appears to be lessening as levels continue to fall. At present the otter population in this part of England is generally healthy and is recolonising former haunts, particularly in an easterly direction. As this expansion continues, and population density increases, the level of conflict between otters, and between otters and mink, is likely to increase. It is also inevitable that there will be an increase in reports of otter predation on trout farms, carp fisheries, koi carp collections and even garden pond fish.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Subject Keywords: Rivers; Aquatic mammals; Pesticides; Pathology; Pollution; Organochlorine compounds; Freshwater ecology
Taxonomic Keywords: Lutra lutra
Extent: 103
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:4643
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